Granite Slab and Tiles at Lowest Price

Granite Slab and Tiles at Lowest Price:

Granite Slab and Tiles at Lowest Price for your Kitchen and Countertops:

Granite Slab and Tiles at lowest Price:– Granite Slab have always been first choice of house holders and business owners for their interior looks. Granite Slabs are one of most used stones for interior. Nowadays we can see that People go for tiles for the flooring and for the front exterior walls as well. There are many variations available of the Granite slabs in the market.

Granite Slab and tile



As we find many time that the real promoters of granite says that “Nothing can compare to the natural beauty of real stone.”As a molten shake, granite is framed under extremely high warmth and has a crystalline structure rather than a layered structure like sedimentary rock. Tile produced from granite is very thick, with a quality like porcelain.


Granite tiles are also great choice for your floor and countertops. You can easily find varieties and buy granite slab and tiles at lowest price in the market.

Granite countertops are very popular for many good reasons like they are beautiful, attractive, sturdy and natural. Granite slab and tiles both are good choice for countertops; you just need to make sure that tiles are spaced closely to reduce grout staining. You can also use tinted grout to achieve seamless look. Tiles and the grout should be sealed properly.

The average size of natural slab granite used for countertops is 9 feet, 6 inches long by 5 feet, 6 inches wide, according to bulk granite wholesaler Slab Market. The usual size of granite tiles is 12×12 inch.

“Nowadays, 80% of 100 people are using granite for the countertops”, Says RK Marbles India Owner Mr. Ravi.

If you are also looking for best and affordable granite slab and tiles at lowest price then visit RK Marbles India today to explore the amazing collection of granite, marbles and many more stones.

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Granite Slab and tiles at lowest price

Red Granites :



Granite Slab and tiles at lowest price


          Black Granites:



Granite Slab and tiles at lowest price


Green Granites:


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 White Granites:


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Grey Granites:


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   Brown Granites:


Granite Slab and tiles at lowest price


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